Exibited in Rome, ‘The Body Language’ exhibition, July, 2024
Project description
This work captures the essence of liminality, a state where one is no longer what they once were, yet not fully what they will become. It represents a fluid space where the old has been left behind, but the new has yet to take shape.
The artwork delves into the complex labyrinths of our consciousness, illustrating how echoes of the past reverberate through the uncertainty of the future, shaping our present moment and determining our trajectory. This transitional domain is both fragile and challenging, reflecting the delicate yet dynamic nature of change.
Viewers are invited to explore the ‘in-between space’ of transition and uncertainty, where the boundaries between reality and imagination blur, and images transcend and redefine reality itself. This piece examines the search for the hidden parts of our identity and the self as a changing system.
Ultimately, this artwork challenges to de-cloud our perceptions and practices, encouraging the exploration of limitless possibilities and a reimagined future where the tangible and intangible, the real and the imagined, converge.
The cinematic images and music composition were created with AI assistance, based on research on the subject of liminality. All individual elements were then combined, blended, and edited into a cohesive digital video work.